Fuel Research Institute of South Africa (FRI) Collection

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The Fuel Research Institute of South Africa is the outcome of a movement which originated in the immediate post war years. The war period had emphasized the dependence of the modem State on adequate supplies of fuel and focused public attention on the need for conserving these supplies and utilizing them to the best advantage. It began to be more generally realized that the application of science to the fuel problem had resulted in the development of more economical methods of utilizing coal and in the recovery there from of valuable industrial raw materials; that the discovery or development of an internal source of liquid fuel or oil would be of immense advantage to the country; that the industrial and mining development of the Union was dependent on the development of cheap sources of energy; and that the Union's exportable coal resources were a means of bringing capital into the country.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 50
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    Recovery of magnetite from dilute suspensions in a pilot plant separator description of the magnetic field progress report no 3
    (1975) Bonapace, AC; du Toit, P
    Some physical expressions relating the parameters of the magnetic field have been derived. A description of the magnetic field was carried out by measuring the magnetic flux intensity at various points along the drum circumference and at various radial distances. At each point two components, perpendicular to each other, were measured. These diagrams were subsequently integrated (by graphical methods) and the magnetic energy content established for the annular space occupied by the slurry. In this progress report, physical principles and quantitative measurements relevant to the magnetic field investigated, are discussed and presented for subsequent use, particularly in the interpretation of the experimental results.
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    Report no. 3 of 1976 the grain-size distribution of the mineral matter in a sample of -0.5 mm + 200 = Landau coal
    (1976) Gaigher, JL
    This report discusses an investigation of radio frequency ashing, micro-sieving in an ultrasonic bath and X-ray diffraction analysis, it is possible to determine the grain-size distribution of the mineral matter in a coal sample.
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    Interim report on mineral matter in coal - the reactivity of the mineral matter at room temperature
    (1977) Gaigher, JL
    This report deals with the reactivity of mineral matter prepared from coal by the radio-frequency oxidation method, with the using X-ray diffraction to detect mineral phase changes, and possible react ion mechanisms.
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    The mobile gas analysis laboratory of the Institute
    (1976) Joubert, FE
    A mobile gas analysis laboratory has been acquired by the Fuel Research Institute. The purpose of this facility is to provide to the Inspectors of mines and to colliery managements an on-site gas analysis service during fire control operations.
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    The analysis of oils from the hydrogenation and supercritical gas extraction
    (1976) Kershaw, JR
    The oils from dynamic and static hydrogenation, supercritical gas extraction and soxhlet extraction were separated into a number of fractions by absorption chromatography on silica-gel. The fractions from this chromatographic separation were investigated by ultra-violet and infra-red spectroscopy and gas chromatography. The chemical nature of the compounds are discusses, and compared and contrasted between the various processes.
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    The hydropyrolysis (dry hydrogenation) of a selection of South Africa
    (1978) Barrass, G
    A method utilising the "hot-rod" reactor has been employed to study the hydropyrolysis characteristics of a selection of South African coals. The effects of various operating parameters involved in this process have been investigated such as coal type, particle size, temperature, heating rate, pressure, solid residence time and vapor residence time. This work has shown that the hydropyrolysis of local coals, under optimum reaction conditions, gave similar yields and product distributions to those obtained with the same reactor concept using Northern Hemisphere coals. This investigation has confirmed the detrimental effect of the agglomeration properties of bituminous coals, and methods have been suggested which may overcome this problem in future work involving a continuous reactor.
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    Evaluation of the reactivity of low temperature coke and char, containing volatile matter, towards carbon dioxide Part 1
    (1978) Von Woff, WTE
    In the last few years there has been a growing interest in the reactivity of low temperature coke and char towards carbon dioxide. The equation of Hedden, derived for the calculation of the reactivity of metallurgical coke containing negligible amounts of volatile matter, was modified so that it could be employed for low temperature coke and chars with high volatile matter contents. In this present report newly-derived equations are presented for cases where the reductants contain volatile matter. For this, as well as other cases where the reductants contain little or no volatile matter, provision was made for dilution of carbon-dioxide with nitrogen.
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    An investigation into improvement of coal ignition in chain grate stoker fired boilers
    (1978) Clark, D; Darazas, M
    During the investigation, three methods of preheating the green coal in the guillotine door area of the stoker have been tried. One of these has proved successful. In addition, a series of preliminary laboratory tests have been carried out in order to investigate to the volatile release rates of two coals, each at two different heating rates. The results are discussed, and suggestions are made for further work of this type.
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    A report on investigations into the single - fuel, dual fuel and triple - fuel operation of a diesel engine
    (1978) Heim, FO; Clark, D
    This report discusses about an investigation which was aimed at improvement in fuel efficiency as a means of reducing smoke emission.
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    Beneficiation of fine coal in the republic of South Africa
    (1977) Fourie, PJF; Erasmus, TC
    The beneficiation of minus 0,5 mm coal in the Republic of South Africa is reviewed in terms of the availability of fines, the formidability of its cleaning, froth flotation, autogenous cyclones, tables, and dense medium cyclones.
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    Mineral matter factors for fifty size coal product samples
    (1977) Gaigher, JL
    The regional variation of mineral matter to ash ratios for some coal product samples is discussed by means of frequency weighted histograms.
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    Stream transport of particles in full suspension. The energy dissipation function as an invariant of the concentration
    (1977) Bonapace, AC
    In this paper some hydraulic phenomena are discussed which are relevant to the hydraulic transport of particles in a fully suspended state.
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    Char production from bank coal for gas producer
    (1975) Myburhg, JJ
    In August 1974, it was requested by the Combustion Department to produce a suitable char for use in their gas producer. It was de­cided to use Bank coal. The coal was washed at the Coal Prepara­tion Pilot Plant on 19th Jul½ 1974 at a relative density of 1,475 to reduce the ash content in the final product to 11%. The coal was charred in the Institute's Rotary Carbonizer, i.e. Pancake oven, at the Pilot Plant.
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    The dual fuel operation of a diesel engine, using ethyl alcohol as the secondary fuel
    (1977) Heim, FO; Clark, D
    In view of the desire to conserve oil products, it was decided to attempt to use ethyl alcohol in the place of petrol in a duel-fuel operated diesel engine. Apart from the change of fuel, test conditions have been as described in Report No. 51 of 1977 - 'Reducing fuel consumption and smoke emission of diesel engines'.
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    Interim report on minerals in coal - The direct determination of the mineral matter content in some coal product samples
    (1976) Gaigher, JL
    The mineral matter factors for some coal product samples determined by the method of radio--frequency oxidation, compared with results from an earlier survey (Technical Memorandum No021 of 1971), appear to have an acceptable precision.
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    Catalytic coal hydrogenation zinc slimes
    (1977) Davidtz, JC; Gray, D
    The selection and utilization of South African raw materials as catalysts in coal conversion depend on the availability of catalysts. Equally important is the -selectivity and activity of these materials for coal conversion.
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    Hydrotreating of a coal-derived liquid. Part 1
    (1977) Barrass, G; Davidtz, JC; Gray, D; Jezko, J; Kershaw, JR; Meinjes, AA
    The +300 degrees Celsius boiling fraction of a coal-derived liquid produced by direct dry non-catalytic hydrogenation of Sigma coal was hydrotreated in the presence of a tailored Ni/W oxide on a synthetic layered silicate cata­lyst.
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    Spontaneous heating of Umgala coal
    (1977) Erasmus, TC
    Earlier studies have indicated that Umgala coal is prone to spontaneous heating and that ignition is likely to occur unless special precautions are taken during stockpiling.
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    Fluorescence spectroscopy in the characterisations of coal-derived liquids
    (1977) Kershaw, JR
    The use of fluorescence spectroscopy as a qualitative analytical tech­nique for the analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in coal-derived li­quids is reported.
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    Identification of zircon from a deister table concentrate
    (1976) Gaigher, JL
    Zircon, ilmenite and rutile have been identified by X-ray diffraction in a pyrite concentrate prepared from a Witbank coal by means of the Deister Table.