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    Establishing in vitro screening protocols based on phenotypic plasticity of Amaranthus dubius and Galinsoga parviflora seeds for drought, salinity, and heat tolerance
    (2024) Areington, CA; O’Kennedy, Martha M; Sershen
    The vulnerability of commercial crops under a changing climate has led scientists to consider wild crop species as alternative food sources. The aim of this study was to identify plastic physiological and morphological traits that could be used to in vitro screen Amaranthus dubius and Galinsoga parviflora seeds for drought, salinity, and heat tolerance. To establish the lethal dose/temperature, 50% (LD/T50), for each stress, seeds for both were subjected to various mannitol and NaCl stresses and a range of temperatures. Percentage seedling emergence was selected as the initial indicator of tolerance and used to establish the LD/T50 for in vitro screening for both species. Seeds of both were then screened at the LD/T50 concentrations/temperatures established, and seedlings that emerged after 21 days were measured for leaf area, root (RL), shoot length (SL), chlorophyll content (Chl), fresh, dry mass, and leaf number. Data for these were used to quantify plasticity in terms of Valladares’s phenotypic plasticity index. For A. dubius, three (viz. RL, SL, and Chl) showed some plasticity (≥0.53) and tolerance across all three stressors. For G. parviflora all traits except SL showed some plasticity (≥0.58) and tolerance across all three stressors. Both species had high phenotypic plasticity across all three stressors, which suggests that wild leafy vegetables may possess the ability to tolerate climate change-associated stressors and should be considered for future breeding programs.
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    Theoretical analysis of on-axis obstructed Laguerre-Gauss beams
    (2024) Mabena, Chemist A
    Advances in the generation of structured light beams have led to their increased adoption in various applications such as laser-based material processing, optical microscopy, and optical communication. However, the reliability of these beams, particularly Laguerre-Gauss beams, further hinges on their resilience against damage caused by obstructions. In this work, the self-reconstruction of Laguerre-Gauss beams upon on-axis obstruction is analyzed by modeling the obstructed beam in terms of two orthogonal components–one component representing the attenuated beam and another representing the perturbation by the obstruction. Due to the orthogonality of the two components, the perturbation term is reminiscent of harmonic distortion in signal processing. This approach provides a simple method to quantify the damage via the modal cross-talk generated by the obstruction. To this end, closed-form expressions are derived to calculate the modal spectrum and the total damage caused by the obstruction. The results show that amplitude-obstructed Laguerre-Gauss beams self-reconstruct in the central region. The reduced intensity of the outer rings is shown to be due to the attenuated component being out of phase with the perturbation component. In the case of an on-axis obstruction with phase perturbation, the beam suffers more damage in certain parameter windows and may become reshaped. The results of this work provide a tool that could inform design methods and strategies in applications of structured light.
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    Insights on who funds climate change adaptation research in South Africa
    (2025-02) Mantlana, Khanyisa B; Nondlazi, Basanda X; Naidoo, Sasha; Ramoelo, A
    Background: This article examines the funding landscape of climate change adaptation research in South Africa to understand the origin, distribution, and thematic prioritization of funding for climate change research in South Africa. Methods: The article used specific search terms to query peer-reviewed publications in the Web of Science and Scopus databases (1985 to 2023). Results: Environmental Science emerged as the most dominant research area during this period, while Agriculture appeared in the top four positions among research areas in climate change adaptation research in South Africa in both databases. The largest number of publications on climate change adaptation research in South Africa is generated through domestic funding, followed by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The National Research Foundation (NRF) had the highest number of publications. The analysis revealed a strong paucity of funding relationship between South Africa and other African countries in the field of climate change adaptation research. Conclusions: Knowledge of these trends can inform policy decisions on funding of climate change adaptation in South Africa and strategic partnerships between South Africa and the rest of the world.
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    From species to pixels: Monitoring rangeland quality & productivity by leveraging the NDVI-RCI relationship
    (2025-01) Nondlazi, Basanda X; Cho, Moses A; Mantlana, Khanyisa B; Ramoelo, A
    Grasslands are highly vulnerable to climate and changes in grazing management, yet little is known about the national rangeland response to long-term (>18 years) grazing management that may confound climate effects. This study assessed the correlation between Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), i.e., productivity and Rangeland Condition Index (RCI) i.e., quality and predicted historical grazing management (26 years) using Ecological Index Method (EIM) analysis of 72 relevés in the Highland Sourveld (HSV). Relationships between 150 NDVI and 72 RCI samples showed a rate of 0.125 change in NDVI for every 12.5% change in RCI. In 1983, the HSV’s rangeland carrying capacity (RCC) ranged from 2.0 - 2.2 ha/AU/yr (land required to support one mature bovine for 1 year), with an NDVI of 0.43, like the benchmark. site. By 2009, the RCC decreased to 3.2 ha/AU/yr, with NDVI <0.30. Selective overgrazing, reduced RCC by increasing Increaser II species and reducing Decreaser species presence. Findings suggest combining NDVI and RCI is more effective than using either alone. Integrating remote sensing with traditional ecological data (Ecological Remote Sensing - eRS) improves our understanding of rangeland vulnarability, thus, ideal for permanent monitoring of public rangelands in South Africa.
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    Radar detectability of light aircraft micro‐Doppler modulation
    (2024-10) Berndt, Robert J; Gaffar, MYA; Nel, Willem AJ; O’Hagan, DW
    The critical role of specifying micro-Doppler mode performance in the modelling and development of modern radar systems is investigated. The authors focus on the detection of micro-Doppler modulation from light aircraft, analysing data from eight helicopters and nine propeller aircraft. With the growing need for accurate target classification in radar technology, incorporating micro-Doppler detection metrics into radar performance specifications has become increasingly important. This research offers a novel approach to measuring the detectability of micro-Doppler modulation relative to returns from the main fuselage. The investigation covers the impacts of various preprocessing techniques, polarisation, and aspect angle on detection capabilities. Findings reveal that, on average, micro-Doppler modulation from propellers is detectable at distances between 50% and 100% of the range at which the fuselage is detected. For helicopters, this range decreases to between 30% and 80%. Additionally, the study introduces empirically derived statistical models designed to predict micro-Doppler detection ranges in relation to fuselage returns, enhancing the predictability and specificity of radar system performance. This novel contribution presents a basis for improving radar system specifications, leading ultimately to more predictable and reliable light aircraft classification.
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    Effects of earth metal dopants on the properties of a neodymium magnet using a first-principles approach
    (2025-03) Miya, L; Sithole, E; Modiba, Rosinah
    Rare-earth (RE) ions enhance the stability of permanent magnets against demagnetization, making them vital in wind turbines, electric vehicle engines, magnetic resonance imaging machines, and cell phone devices. However, the rising costs and dwindling reserves of RE materials necessitate the development of RE-free permanent magnets for a sustainable economy. This study uses first-principles calculations to investigate the magnetic properties and electronic structure of RE2Fe14B (RE = Nd, Dy, Y, La, and Ce). Spin-polarized density functional theory, using the generalized gradient approximation and Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof function, was performed to predict the properties of RE2Fe14B permanent magnets. The study found that the spin and orbital magnetic moments of Nd, Dy, Y, La, and Ce atoms are opposite, consistent with Hund’s rule, with the total orbital magnetic moment exceeding the total spin magnetic moment. Y prefers the 4f site, while La prefers the 4g site. Ce showed specific magnetic moments at the 4f and 4g sites, contributing oppositely to the total magnetic moment. Substitutions of nonmagnetic La and Ce reduced the total magnetic moments of the cells. The bandwidth of the Fe d states in La2Fe14B is shorter than those of the Nd, Dy, Y, and Ce structures because the lattice parameter of La2Fe14B was greater than those of all of the other structures. The findings align well with previous experimental and theoretical data, indicating that substituting Dy, Y, La, and Ce affects the properties of permanent magnets, where Ce has the highest magnetic moments and Dy has the highest Curie temperature compared to the other RE substitutes.
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    Cybercrimes in Social Networking
    (2024-04) Mmbodi, Rendani; Hlongwane, Ndabezinhle E
    The ubiquity of social networking platforms in the digital age has facilitated unprecedented connectivity and communication, yet it has also given rise to a burgeoning challenge—cybercrimes within these virtual spaces. This study delves into the multifaceted landscape of cybercrimes in social networking, exploring their prevalence, types, and consequential impacts on individuals and society. Through a comprehensive analysis of survey data, interviews, and content reviews, we unveil the alarming frequency of cybercrimes, from online harassment to identity theft. The research not only examines the psychological toll on victims but also assesses the evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals. The findings underscore the imperative for collaborative efforts among individuals, platforms, and policymakers to fortify cybersecurity measures and ensure a safer digital environment for all.
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    Characterisation of High-Density Polyethylene (DiaPow HDPE HXR)Powder for Use in Additive Manufacturing
    (2024-08) Mwania, FW; Van der Walt, J; Wu, Lorinda; Koen, Wayne S; Maringa, M
    High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is largely processed using conventional manufacturing techniques. However, there is a need to investigate its processability when fabricated using additive manufacturing (AM) in an efort to use this polymer for high-end applications, such as the fabrication of human implants. In this regard, the current study investigated the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of HDPE powders (DiaPow HDPE HX R) from Diamond Plastics GmbH, to determine its feasibility of use in powder bed fusion (PBF). Powder characterisation was undertaken using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), melt fow index (MFI) testing, tapped density testing, diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and hot-stage microscopy. Te analysis revealed that this high-density polyethylene powder is suitable for processing using PBF based on the particle size distribution (PSD) (65–92μm), fowability (Hausner ratio �1.22±0.02), melting point range (125.7–135.2 degrees Celsius), enthalpy of melting (170.51J/g), and thermal stability (the materials starts to degrade at 350.0 degrees Celsius and completely degrades at 500.0 degrees Celsius). It also showed good coalescence behaviour. However, the narrow sintering window (7.9 degrees Celsius) of the material indicates possible challenges of shrinkage and curling during printing. Te material was also found to have poor absorptive properties of infrared radiation at 10.6 μm, which might make sintering using CO2 lasers challenging.
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    Proteomic insights into the pathophysiology
    (2024-02) Govender, MA; Stoychev, Stoyan H; Brandenburg, JT; Ramsay, M; Fabian, J; Govender, Ireshyn S
    Background: Hypertension is an important public health priority with a high prevalence in Africa. It is also an independent risk factor for kidney outcomes. We aimed to identify potential proteins and pathways involved in hypertens: ion-associated albuminuria by assessing urinary proteomic profiles in black South African participants with combined hypertension and albuminuria compared to those who have neither condition. Methods: The study included 24 South African cases with both hypertension and albuminuria and 49 control participants who had neither condition. Protein was extracted from urine samples and analysed using ultra-highperformance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Data were generated using data-independent acquisition (DIA) and processed using Spectronaut™ 15. Statistical and functional data annotation were performed on Perseus and Cytoscape to identify and annotate differentially abundant proteins. Machine learning was applied to the dataset using the OmicLearn platform. Results: Overall, a mean of 1,225 and 915 proteins were quantified in the control and case groups, respectively. Three hundred and thirty-two differentially abundant proteins were constructed into a network. Pathways associated with these differentially abundant proteins included the immune system (q-value [false discovery rate] = 1.4 × 10− 45), innate immune system (q = 1.1 × 10− 32), extracellular matrix (ECM) organisation (q = 0.03) and activation of matrix metalloproteinases (q = 0.04). Proteins with high disease scores (76–100% confidence) for both hypertension and chronic kidney disease included angiotensinogen (AGT), albumin (ALB), apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1), and uromodulin (UMOD). A machine learning approach was able to identify a set of 20 proteins, differentiating between cases and controls. Conclusions: The urinary proteomic data combined with the machine learning approach was able to classify disease status and identify proteins and pathways associated with hypertension-associated albuminuria.
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    Climatic controls on metabolic constraints in the ocean
    (2024-08) Mongwe, Ndunisani P; Long, M; Ito, T; Deutsch, C; Santana-Falcón, Y
    Observations and models indicate that climate warming is associated with the loss of dissolved oxygen from the ocean. Dissolved oxygen is a fundamental requirement for heterotrophic marine organisms (except marine mammals) and, since the basal metabolism of ectotherms increases with temperature, warming increases organisms' oxygen demands. Therefore, warming and deoxygenation pose a compound threat to marine ecosystems. In this study, we leverage an ecophysiological framework and a compilation of empirical trait data quantifying the temperature sensitivity and oxygen requirements of metabolic rates for a range of marine species (“ecotypes”). Using the Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble, we investigate how natural climate variability and anthropogenic forcing impact the ability of marine environments to support aerobic metabolisms on interannual to multi-decadal timescales. Warming and deoxygenation projected over the next several decades will yield a reduction in the volume of viable ocean habitats. We find that fluctuations in temperature and oxygen associated with natural variability are distinct from those associated with anthropogenic forcing in the upper ocean. Further, the joint temperature–oxygen anthropogenic signal emerges sooner than temperature and oxygen independently from natural variability. Our results demonstrate that anthropogenic perturbations underway in the ocean will strongly exceed those associated with the natural system; in many regions, organisms will be pushed closer to or beyond their physiological limits, leaving the ecosystem more vulnerable to extreme temperature–oxygen events.
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    Polyaniline as a dual flame retardant and electrostatic dissipative additive in polyethylene nanocomposites
    (2024-10) Adisa, A; Asante, JKO; Ojijo, Vincent O; Mapossa, AB; Mhike, W
    Polyolefins, such as polyethylene (PE), are highly flammable and electrically insulative, limiting their applicability. The study explored the flame-retardancy and electrical conductivity of PE/polyaniline (PE/PANI) nanocomposites containing undoped PANI, PANI doped, and co-doped with various acids and PANI modified with a double layered hydroxide or ammonium polyphosphate (APP). The nanocomposites were synthesized through in situ chemical oxidative polymerization of aniline and compression molding. Flame retardancy was evaluated using UL 94 tests and cone calorimetry. All nanocomposites, except the de-doped PANI nanocomposite, attained a UL 94 V2 rating. Cone calorimeter results showed that PANI doped with H3PO4 reduced the peak heat release rate by 20% compared to neat PE, whereas co-doping PANI with H3PO4 and phytic acid reduced it by 31%. The nanocomposites exhibited volume resistivity for suitable for electrotactic dissipation applications but showed marginally reduced mechanical properties. This study demonstrates the potential to develop electrostatic dissipative and flame-retardant PE nanocomposites incorporating PANI.
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    Analysis of failure characteristics of screen plates of ring hammer crusher used in coal handling applications
    (2024-08) Kyekyere, E; Olakanmi, EO; Prasad, RVS; Matshediso, B; Motimedi, T; Botes, A; Pityana, Sisa L
    The screen plate, a critical component within a ring hammer crusher (also known as a ring granulator or rolling ring crusher), plays a vital role in the secondary crushing of coal. Functioning both as a platform for coal crushing and as a sieve to achieve the desired coal size, it is essential to understand and examine its failure characteristics to enhance its mechanical and wear resistance properties in coal handling applications. This study thoroughly explored the failure modes, mechanisms, and underlying causes of screen plate failures. Microscopic techniques such as optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Vickers microhardness test and spectrochemical analysis were utilised to identify the failure mechanism. Failure modes identified from the macroscopic analysis were discharged hole widening, hole wall break-off, plate edge crack, plate fracture, one-sided edge slimming, and general surface wear of the screen plate. The fractographic and wear track analysis identified the principal failure mechanisms of three-body abrasive wear, two-body sliding abrasion wear, shear-induced fatigue fracture and brittle shear fracture. The root causes of the failures are the rotor’s direct impact, defects in the parent material, the presence of hard materials in the coal and the use of unsuitable steel grade in the screen plate manufacturing. The service life of the screen plate can be improved through proper material selection, uniform crusher feeding, surface modification of the surface of the “as purchase” screen plate with appropriate wear-resistant materials, and adherence to good maintenance practices.
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    Cost effective ballistic protection for vehicles
    (2024-01) Jones, JD; Reinecke, John D; Pambuka, L
    In the design of protected vehicles there is a constant trade-off between mobility, protection, and cost. To protect against increasing threat levels, designers are usually required to use armour materials with increased mass and thickness. However, this has a negative effect on the vehicle’s mobility. Reducing the mass of armour plates for the same level of protection usually requires the use of more expensive materials, thus increasing the cost. The aim of this project was to investigate how the areal density of armour plates, used for vehicle protection against a NATO Level 3 ballistic threat, can be reduced whilst still maintaining the required level of threat protection, and optimising cost by exploring varying material layers in a composite armour plate assembly. This work used computational modelling to evaluate protection capabilities of various combinations of lower cost materials that were then manufactured and tested. The test plate combination initially selected were based on the published computational work of Rahman et al., [2]. These proposed, multilayered, plates computationally provided a reduction in aerial density of 12% compared to equivalent homogeneous amour steel plate. Additional plate combinations, using Strenx 700E Al-7075-T6 with Kevlar and Dyneema layers, were proposed and computationally evaluated and assessed. These multilayered plates were then manufactured and subjected to ballistic tests against NATO level 3 (7.62 x 51 mm Tungsten Carbide (WC)) armour piecing rounds. None of the proposed and computationally verified plates provided the required ballistic protection. The main reason for this is ascribed to the application and use of only published material parameters and the implementation of the failure model.
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    Computational study of water adsorption on the TiNi (110) surface
    (2024-12) Chauke, V; Tshwane, David M; Ngoepe, P; Chauke, H
    TiNi (Nitinol) alloys exhibit unique properties such as low density, high strength, superelasticity and shape memory effector various applications in medical devices, and aerospace industry. Understanding their surface water interactions is crucial. This work employs the density functional theory to examine water adsorption on the TiNi (110) surface. The results indicated an exothermic adsorption process favouring the bridge site energetically. Electronic structure analysis revealed the dominance of dorbitals and the presence of states at the Fermi level. The charge density difference suggested covalent bonding between water and the TiNi surface. Insights into TiNi's surface chemistry and reactivity, which are essential for the reduction of corrosion in aqueous environments, were investigated.
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    Automatic assessment of speech impediment for South African early literacy readers
    (2024-11) Badenhorst, Jacob AC
    Many children in South Africa cannot read for comprehension. This finding came from a recent international reading literacy study in which South Africa was placed last out of all 50 countries who participated [12]. During the study, it was pointed out that 75% of the learners participating came from disadvantaged backgrounds, a contributing factor to the overwhelming majority of Grade 4 learners that had already been deprived of proper school instruction. The development of automatic oral assessment applications could potentially alleviate this tragedy. A core component required by such foreseen software solutions is automatic pronunciation error detection (APED). Such APED capable of evaluating the speech produced by school learners in turn requires the development of local language child speech recognition (CSR) to succeed. CSR system development in the South African context may be attempted by refining adult pre-trained models. To this end, the paper provides a detailed breakdown of child data sets as well as reading assessment categories used to build and evaluate APED. While it is possible to select APED thresholds that do not penalise sentences read correctly, the more subtle reading disfluencies remained challenging to identify.
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    Performance evaluation of a pilot-scale constructed wetland with Typha latifolia for remediation of domestic wastewater in Zimbabwe
    (2024-10) Alufasi, R; Parawira, W; Zvidzai, CJ; Stefanakis, AI; Musili, N; Lebea, P; Chakauya, Ereck; Chingwaru, W
    The management of wastewater remains a challenge, particularly in developing countries. The potential use of constructed wetlands to treat wastewater is promising but their contaminant removal efficiencies, particularly in a tropical country such as Zimbabwe, are not fully understood. A pilot-scale study was undertaken in Zimbabwe to evaluate the efficiency of vertical-flow constructed wetlands planted with Typha latifolia in the treatment of domestic wastewater. Four pilot subsurface vertical-flow constructed wetland units (measuring 1 m × 1 m × 1.1 m) were built from concrete. The units were filled with waste rock from a nickel mine. Three units were planted with Typha latifolia while the fourth one was left unplanted, acting as the control. Each unit was loaded with wastewater at a rate of 220 dm3/day. Physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters were analyzed during the winter season. Physico-chemical and bacterial contaminant concentrations were significantly lower in the effluent than in the influent, and the system achieved maximum removals for BOD5, COD, TDS, TSS, nitrates, phosphates, phosphate pentoxide, phosphorus, and E. coli of 56.01%, 82.87%, 30.61%, 90.40% 17.26%, 35.80%, 36.19%, 40.64%, and 90.28%, respectively. The study shows that constructed wetland systems can be successfully established for the removal of physical, chemical, and microbial contaminants from domestic wastewater.
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    Laser metal deposition of TiB/Ti6Al4V composites with first-scale network microstructure
    (2024-03) Lekoadi, Paul M; Tlotleng, Monnamme; Siyasiya, CW; Masina, Bathusile N
    This study investigated the effect of in-situ alloying of Ti6Al4V and TiB2 during laser metal deposition for microstructure, hardness and tensile properties enhancement. It was found that the addition of TiB2 at powder feed rates of range 0.10.3 rpm resulted in the formation of TiB whiskers with columnar and equiaxed network morphologies, in a lamella α+β matrix. By increasing TiB2 at 0.4–0.5 rpm, a complete dissolution of the equiaxed and columnar network morphologies were achieved. The dissolution led to a random distribution of formed TiB whiskers, resulting in enhanced hardness and ultimate tensile strength (UTS), with the 0.5 rpm giving the highest hardness and UTS values of 511±13 HV and 1745 MPa, respectively.
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    Recovery of carbon fibres from aged epoxy matrix composites using H2O2 as an oxidant: A thermodynamic and technoectnomic analysis
    (2024-01) Mabalane, PJ; Molnar, K; Mazibuko, PT; Molnár, K; Khoathane, C; Masukume, Mike
    Tere is an efort to use hydrogen peroxide for recycling carbon fbre from epoxy matrix composites because it is an ecofriendly material, and the related technology is feasible. However, there is little information on the technoeconomic impact of this method, thus whether it is economically better than current techniques. Terefore, in this paper, we discuss the technoeconomic analysis of recycling using hydrogen peroxide. Te analysis also includes a thermodynamic model to calculate the amount of energy required to decompose the epoxy matrix. Various fnancial indicators, including the payback period, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and proftability index (PI), were used. Te technoeconomic assessment revealed favourable outcomes across all key fnancial indicators, demonstrating the viability and potential benefts of the process. A capital investment of $17.34M over 10 years was required. Te NPV of $15.56M with a 15% minimum discounted rate of return (WACC) was computed. Te project is morelikely to succeed with an annual productioncost of$176.5 millionfor 50,000tons inthe frst year, withthis amountsubject to annual infation. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to assess the efect of input variables. In the sensitivity analysis, we calculated between 25,000 and 100,000 tons. Te price of hydrogenperoxide andrecovered carbon fbre are essential variables that have a high efect on the model.
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    Investigation of biomagnetic bifunctional heterogeneous nanocatalysts and cosolvents for the conversion of spent oil to biodiesel for heavy-duty transportation (jet fuel application)
    (2025-03) Mojapelo, NA; Seroka, Ntalane S; Khotseng, L
    The world energy crisis and environmental issues resulting from fossil fuel depletion and increased greenhouse gas emissions have prompted extensive study into alternative, ecologically friendly energy sources. Interest in environmentally friendly and renewable energy, such as biodiesel, has grown significantly over fossil fuels. Biodiesel is a promising fuel alternative to petroleum diesel because it offers economic and ecological benefits. It is produced from the transesterification or esterification of suitable oil feedstocks and catalysts. Commercial homogeneous catalysts face numerous obstacles, including product separation and soap formation due to the interaction between high-FFA feedstock with homogeneous base catalysts. Thus, biochar-based magnetic heterogeneous catalysts in biodiesel production have received attention from researchers due to their simple separation process, large surface area, and faster catalyst recovery. In addition, many researchers have explored using cosolvents with heterogeneous catalysts to enhance biodiesel yield by minimizing the phase resistance between oil and alcohol. This review investigates recent improvements in biochar-magnetic bifunctional heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production, focusing on their ability to integrate esterification and transesterification reactions in a single step. The influence of oil feedstock properties, cosolvents, and catalyst preparation methods on biodiesel yield is thoroughly examined. Furthermore, the role of biochar derived from waste materials in improving the performance of magnetic solid-acid and base catalysts is extensively investigated. The findings highlight the ability of these catalysts to streamline biodiesel production, overcome key challenges, and contribute to the development of more sustainable energy alternatives.
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    Unveiling the power duo: Agriculture and social science take center stage in the evolution of climate change adaptation research in South Africa
    (2024-12) Nondlazi, Basanda X; Mantlana, Khanyisa B; Naidoo, Sasha; Ramoelo, A
    Global changes in climatic conditions threaten the world’s socio-economic development, including South Africa (SA). Climate change adaptation (CCA) research in SA has grown in number (publication rate) and importance (influence on different sectors) over time. A growing body of research uses systematic literature reviews to examine themes within this rapidly evolving field. However, there is still a lack of analysis on the current state of CCA science literature in SA and its evolution over time. This paper fills this gap by providing a cross-validated bibliometric review of scientific literature on CCA in SA using Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. The review is constructed across time, between databases, within databases and on most preferred journals. This transdisciplinary analysis of CCA literature and dominant research themes and priorities spanning 1966–2022 examines how they relate to SA’s adaptation strategy in response to climate change. CCA research has evolved in South Africa. Since 2011/12, publication rates have grown exponentially, averaging between 5% and 26% yearly. Term diversity peaked in 2018 when the publication rate reached 100 publications per year. This exponential development can be explained using themes of clustered terms over time, i.e. biodiversity emerging around 2015/16, Climate & Yield around 2017, and Agriculture & CCA, respectively, in 2018, with 41% similarity between Scopus and Web of Science. Future research needs to advance the monitoring of activities and outcomes on adaptation throughout the thematic evolution period.