CSIR ScienceScope

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    Science Scope vol. 19: Focus on future production
    (2022) CSIR
    In this edition of ScienceScope, centre stage goes to some of our recent RDI activities in chemicals, mining and manufacturing. Read about the establishment of an industrial biocatalysis hub that will put microorganisms at the heart of processes to produce chemical products (page 8); how learning factories are becoming an intervention to prepare the workforce of the future (page 16); and how we will work with a large mining house on the use of additive manufacturing technology to support its operations
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    Sciencescope volume 18: Women in science, engineering, and technology
    (2021-09) CSIR; CSIR
    In celebration of Women’s Day on 9 August 2021, this edition of ScienceScope focuses on CSIR women. Some of the women featured are involved in Covid-19-related research, while others are working, alongside their colleagues – the men and women of the CSIR – to continue with work that will help make South Africa more competitive, despite a world pandemic.
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    The state complexity of language operations on XNFA-succinct unary regular languages
    (2018-09) Marais, Laurette; Van Zijl, L
    Given two unary languages accepted by symmetric difference non-deterministic finite automata, we establish bounds on the state complexity of their union, intersection, relative complement and symmetric difference. For languages L1 and L2 accepted by minimal symmetric difference nondeterministic finite automata of size m and n respectively, we show that the state complexity of their union, intersection and relative complement has an upper bound of (2m - 1)(2n - 1).
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