Auret, MariusErasmus, Louwrence D2025-02-042025-02-042024-111012-277X2224-7890 current work expands on previous practical experience, and presents a practical engineering method to define enterprises. This method employs a series of architecture reference models to create an optimised enterprise free of legacy problems and hidden agendas. Building on the performance and organisation reference models (PRM and ORM), as previously discussed, the method examines the design of the ORM and clarifies the derivation of the business reference model (BRM) from it. By relying on heuristics and self-discovery, this method offers significant potential for optimising organisations. This previously unpublished engineering approach, which has a proven track record, provides a notable, novel, and practical means of designing a fit-for -purpose enterprise architecture.FulltextenOrganisation Reference ModelsORMPerformance Reference ModelPRMIlluminating a novel enterprise engineering method making architecture practical – Part twoArticlen/a