Lindeque, M2014-03-252014-03-252013-01Lindeque, M. 2014. Net zero water. In: The Green Building Handbook South Africa Volume 5: The Essential Guide. Alive2Green publications: Cape Town, South Africa, pp 75-95 publications: Cape Town, South Africa, pp 75-95. Abstract only attached.Is it possible to develop a building that uses a net zero amount of water? In recent years it has become evident that it is possible to have buildings that use a net zero amount of electricity. This is possible when the building is taken off the national grid. The unfortunate situation with water is that there is no replacement technology for water. Water can be supplied from many different sources. A net zero energy development will move closer to a net zero water development by reducing the demand on electrical energy that is generated from from coal fired power stations.enNet zero waterWater sustainabilityGreen building handbook volume 5Net zero waterBook ChapterLindeque, M. (2013). Net zero water., <i>Workflow;12325</i> Alive2green., M. "Net zero water" In <i>WORKFLOW;12325</i>, n.p.: Alive2green. 2013. M. Net zero water.. Workflow;12325. [place unknown]: Alive2green; 2013. [cited yyyy month dd]. - Book Chapter AU - Lindeque, M AB - Is it possible to develop a building that uses a net zero amount of water? In recent years it has become evident that it is possible to have buildings that use a net zero amount of electricity. This is possible when the building is taken off the national grid. The unfortunate situation with water is that there is no replacement technology for water. Water can be supplied from many different sources. A net zero energy development will move closer to a net zero water development by reducing the demand on electrical energy that is generated from from coal fired power stations. DA - 2013-01 DB - ResearchSpace DP - CSIR KW - Net zero water KW - Water sustainability KW - Green building handbook volume 5 LK - PY - 2013 T1 - Net zero water TI - Net zero water UR - ER -