Pandit, RParrota, JAnker, YCoudel, EDiaz Morejón, CFHarris, JKarlen, DLKertész, AMariño De Posada, JLNtshotsho, Phumza2019-04-022019-04-022018-03Pandit, R. et al. 2018. Responses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded land. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) assessment report on land degradation and restoration, pp. 629-764 published in The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) assessment report on land degradation and restorationThe most cost-effective approach to reduce land degradation in the long run is to follow the adage “prevention is better than cure” (well established) {6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.4.2}. The economic consequences of land degradation are significant. For example, a study of fourteen Latin American countries estimated annual losses due to desertification at 8-14% of agricultural gross domestic products (AGDP), while another study estimated the global cost of desertification at 1-10% of annual AGDP. Across all biomes, estimates of the ecosystem service values lost due to land degradation and conversion range from $4.3 to $20.2 trillion per year. In a global study that considered values of forests for wood, non-wood products, carbon sequestration, recreation and passive uses, it was estimated that the projected degradation and land-use change would reduce the value of these forest ecosystem services by $1,180 trillion over a 50-year period, between 2000 to 2050 {}. However, a broad range of sustainable land management, soil and water conservation practices, and nature-based solutions, have been effective in avoiding land degradation in many parts of the world (well established) {6.3.1, 6.3.2}. For example, agroecology, conservation agriculture, agroforestry and sustainable forest management can successfully avoid land degradation, while enhancing the provision of a range of ecosystem services (well established) {,}. Many of these same techniques and measures can also be used to restore degraded lands, but may be more costly than their use for avoiding land degradation (well established) {6.3.1, 6.3.2}.enLand degradationAgricultural gross domestic productsAGDPResponses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded landBook ChapterPandit, R., Parrota, J., Anker, Y., Coudel, E., Diaz Morejón, C., Harris, J., ... Ntshotsho Simelane, P. (2018). Responses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded land., <i>Worklist;22332</i> IPBES., R, J Parrota, Y Anker, E Coudel, CF Diaz Morejón, J Harris, DL Karlen, A Kertész, JL Mariño De Posada, and Phumza Ntshotsho Simelane. "Responses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded land" In <i>WORKLIST;22332</i>, n.p.: IPBES. 2018. R, Parrota J, Anker Y, Coudel E, Diaz Morejón C, Harris J, et al. Responses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded land.. Worklist;22332. [place unknown]: IPBES; 2018. [cited yyyy month dd]. - Book Chapter AU - Pandit, R AU - Parrota, J AU - Anker, Y AU - Coudel, E AU - Diaz Morejón, CF AU - Harris, J AU - Karlen, DL AU - Kertész, A AU - Mariño De Posada, JL AU - Ntshotsho Simelane, Phumza AB - The most cost-effective approach to reduce land degradation in the long run is to follow the adage “prevention is better than cure” (well established) {6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.4.2}. The economic consequences of land degradation are significant. For example, a study of fourteen Latin American countries estimated annual losses due to desertification at 8-14% of agricultural gross domestic products (AGDP), while another study estimated the global cost of desertification at 1-10% of annual AGDP. Across all biomes, estimates of the ecosystem service values lost due to land degradation and conversion range from $4.3 to $20.2 trillion per year. In a global study that considered values of forests for wood, non-wood products, carbon sequestration, recreation and passive uses, it was estimated that the projected degradation and land-use change would reduce the value of these forest ecosystem services by $1,180 trillion over a 50-year period, between 2000 to 2050 {}. However, a broad range of sustainable land management, soil and water conservation practices, and nature-based solutions, have been effective in avoiding land degradation in many parts of the world (well established) {6.3.1, 6.3.2}. For example, agroecology, conservation agriculture, agroforestry and sustainable forest management can successfully avoid land degradation, while enhancing the provision of a range of ecosystem services (well established) {,}. Many of these same techniques and measures can also be used to restore degraded lands, but may be more costly than their use for avoiding land degradation (well established) {6.3.1, 6.3.2}. DA - 2018-03 DB - ResearchSpace DP - CSIR KW - Land degradation KW - Agricultural gross domestic products KW - AGDP LK - PY - 2018 T1 - Responses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded land TI - Responses to halt land degradation and to restore degraded land UR - ER -