Van Deventer, HeidiCampbell, ANaidoo, LavenStovall, ASmith, KThakali, PAdam, EJensen, DBarenblitt, AFatoyinbo, L2025-01-102025-01-102024-100258-2244, together with inland wetlands, are considered the most threatened ecosystem in South Africa (Skowno et al., 2019). Less than 43% of habitat maps out of the 290 estuarine functional zones (EFZs) and less than 10 of the 42 microestuaries have been digitised by various ecologists in the country to date (Van Deventer et al., in review). The images of several space-borne, remote sensing instruments, including RapidEye, Sentinel-1 and -2, and WorldView has proven useful to distinguish some wetland vegetation communities in the country, however, the use of different Light Detection and Radar (LiDAR) and hyperspectral images at higher spatial resolutions, remains to be assessed.FulltextenEstuariesRemote sensingNASA Bioreach projectNASA Bioreach field campaign for assessing the capabilities of remote sensing blue AfricaArticlen/a