Anochie-Boateng, JDebrah, EKMvelase, Gculisile MAgyekum, PAsenso-Gyambibi, D2025-02-262025-02-262024-01 appropriate pavement design options for higher-risk sections of low-volume roads is a crucial 3 part of Ghana’s strategy to improve sustainable all-season rural access. This paper investigates the 4 suitability of alternative surfacing for steep hilly sections of low-volume roads in Ghana with gradients 5 above 12%. Typically, these roads are constructed with weak natural gravel as the wearing course. To 6 address the persistent drainage and erosion problems on these steep sections, four alternative rigid 7 pavement options were designed and proposed. These were interlocking concrete block paving (ICBP), 8 roller compacted concrete (RCC), thin mesh reinforced concrete (TMRC), and non-reinforced concrete 9 (NRC). We present the material selection, pavement designs, and life-cycle economic analysis of these 10 four cost-effective pavement options. The present worth of cost life-cycle cost appraisal of the options 11 considering the initial cost, probable maintenance cost, and salvage value of the road asset over a 25-year 12 service life, with a pavement design life of 15 years and an analysis period of 25 years are discussed. The 13 results indicate that all four alternative surfacing types are economically feasible and comparable, 14 although RCC has the lowest cost, while the ICBP option is relatively the most expensive.FulltextenLow-volume roadsSteep gradientsInterlocking concrete block pavingRoller compacted 18 concreteThin mesh reinforced concreteNon-reinforced concreteMaterial Characterisation and Design of Alternative Pavement Surfacing for Steep Hilly Sections of Low-Volume Roads in GhanaConference Presentationn/a